Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joey the Penguin booth will be attending the Family Expo at Exhibition park in Halifax Nova Scotia on June 19, 20, 2010!!!

Joey the Penguin will have a booth at the Family Expo at Exhibition park in Halifax Nova Scotia on June 19, 20, 2010!!! That is only 2 days away. We wil be selling books and t-shirts and giving away stickers, bookmarks and balloons on a stick.

We are expecting a huge turn out. Hope we see some of you there!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Joey the Penguin books are now available at Coles in the Halifax Shopping Centre

Hi Everybody,

Joey the Penguin books are now available at Coles in the Halifax Shopping Centre. If you are interested in picking up a copy I would make sure to call ahead and see if they have them in stock.

Thanks and have a great weekend!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Joey books will soon be available at Chapters in Bayers Lake

Greetings everybody,

I just wanted to let everybody know that Joey the Penguin books should soon be available at Chapters in Bayers Lake in Halifax. If you are looking for a copy, feel free to call the store and ask if they have them available for sale yet.

Hoping to do a book signing and reading there soon.

Have a great day!


Monday, June 7, 2010

Joey the Penguin books are now available at Smith Books in Scotia Square

Hi everybody,

If you want to pick up Joey the Penguin books you can now get them at their newest location at SmithBooks at Scotia Square mall in Halifax. Just ask for the first of the Joey the Penguin series. Stay tuned for the second book in the series that should be out by the middle of summer, entitled "Preston Goes Green."



Sunday, June 6, 2010

Joey the Penguin books are now available at the Chapters Stores at Mic Mall in Dartmouth Nova Scotia

Greetings Everybody,

Joey the Penguin books will now be available at the Chapters book stores at Mic Mac mall in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. if you are looking to buy a Joey book then please feel free to drop in to that location. Joey expects to get the books to the rest of the HRM locations soon. Stay tuned for more information in regards to Joey.

Remember to always follow your dreams!
